Becoming Interesting
“Only 3 percent of college graduates have written goals and plans. 13 percent had goals, but not in writing. Fully 84 percent had no specific goals at all.”
Mark McCormick, author
Why we ignore New Year’s Resolutions and goal setting I am not sure.
We live in a world where most can validate their own excuses for not making them on a daily basis. Whether it is taking time to set them, remembering previous failures in accomplish them, or not having a plan for accountability - we live in a world where each day people become less interesting…
Most people focus on one, two and possibly three areas of their lives on a daily basis. Most often it is one’s career or family responsibilities that consumes our 176 hours each week. We live in a world where we have come to believe that ‘being busy’ is a mantra of success and importance.
The question should be, “our we busy with the right things?”
“Becoming interesting” means that at the end of the day, week, month or year we look back and realize that we are on the path in life that we want to be on. We take care of ourselves – our health and our mental outlook on life. We pursue hobbies, ambitions and dreams of our choice. We invest purposeful time with our family and friends. We love life in a different way.
Have you considered becoming interesting this year?