Leadership Grant available for 5th and 6th grade students
Intentional Leadership Match Grant
The Intentional Leadership Match Grant advances leadership and community service through educating, equipping and empowering 5th and 6th grade elementary school students. To that end, we are accepting applications from schools, churches and nonprofit organizations in the Dayton/Miami Valley area.
10 grants will be awarded to organizations desiring to exemplify the collective voice of their organization to meet needs within their organization and community. Ongoing groups as well as newly forming groups are eligible.
The one-day training event is designed to help students gain a strong foundation of leadership at an early age. The instruction focuses on vision and mission statements, community service, and increasing personal communication and leadership skills.
To be eligible, organizations must secure at least 50 percent in matching funding, enroll 20-30 students for the training, provide 2 adult leaders and an adequate training space. The day’s objectives will include the planning of a new service oriented project to be implemented within 30 days. Trainings must be complete by March 15, 2018.
Contact Mike at mike@tenballoons.com for additional information and to begin a conversation about scheduling a leadership conference for your organization.