Why 5th and 6th grade students? Why me?
I am often asked why I have been so committed to working with students in the area of leadership and community service at such an early age for the past 20 years.
· Not all students want to be involved in sports, music and the traditional extra curriculas offered them. Leadership development and coaching can is a viable option.
· Leadership can be taught and practiced. Coaching opens the doors for students seeking more purpose and ‘other centered’ vision for their lives.
· Younger elementary student populations benefit from proactive leadership models of the older students within the student body.
· There are numerous leadership and service learning college scholarships and internships that students can begin preparing for just as they do in sports, music and academics.
· Many students come from families who embrace leadership as a family value – yet opportunities are sometimes rare for students to be challenged in this area.
· Schools and communities benefit from students being introduced at an early age of community service and organizing and leading their peers to make a difference with their time, talents and most of all energy!
How can you help change this?