Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


2023-2024 Tentative Calendar

Our calendar is designed:

To build a foundation of leadership skills and thinking.

For a season of empowering through engagement and small wins.

As a way for students to pioneer ‘outrageous’ ideas and initiatives.

A time of injecting an endless stream of hope and dreaming.·      

Late October. Outrageous Coaches meet.

Mid-November. Vision sharing meeting with “Class of 2024” potential students.

December. Receive letters of application.

Mid-January. Launch Class of 2024. Two Sunday evening meetings per month. January-May.

June. Implement student created Outrageous Events.

August. Recruit Class of 2025.  Begin Phase two. National and international initiatives.

Outrageous Calendar

Outrageous Mission

Outrageous Vision

Outrageous Talking Points

Outrageous Definitions

Outrageous Coaches


Our History

Contact mike@tenballoons.com