Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


White Water Paint Project

Beginning March 3rd!

What is the White Water Paint Project?

The White Water Shaker Village paint project is an opportunity for individuals and small teams to come together to be involved in the restoration effort of the Shaker Village, as the part of the 200th anniversary of its founding this year.

What is the White Water Shaker Village?

White Water is one of 24 communal villages founded in the United States between 1787 and 1824 by the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, generally called the "Shakers." It is the only remaining village of five Ohio Shaker villages, retaining most of its original buildings in their original settings and home of the only standing brick Shaker meeting house in the country. Learn more about White Water at: www.whitewatervillage.org

Why was this project created?

  • To reverse the years of time and neglect by restoring peg rail, wainscot, plaster and painted surfaces to their 1832 appearance.

  • As the kick-off project for the 200th anniversary by providing an opportunity for present and potential historical preservationists to be a part in preserving part of Southwest Ohio’s Shaker history.

  • A time for individuals and volunteer teams of 2-6 to join in the restoration of the Dwelling within the Shaker Village.

  • To enable The Friends of White Water Village to expand their scope and vision for their future with the public.


Volunteers, from the inexperienced to professional are needed to continue the restoration.

·      Removing wall paper.

·      Sanding walls and woodwork.

·      Priming and painting walls.

·      Taping and painting windows.

·       Drywall patching and plaster repair.

 When in March?

·      Friday 3rd - Saturday 4th - Sunday 5th

·      Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th - Monday 13th

·      Friday 17th – Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th

·      4-6 hour work sessions throughout the month March.

·      Additional sessions will be scheduled as the work progresses.

·      Ages: 16 and older.

·      All correspondence and registration will be through email. mike@tenballoons.com 

Who is leading?

  •  The Lead Team is led by Rich Spence, President of White Water Shaker Village.

  • Mike Nygren is the volunteer project manager.

 What commitment is needed of the volunteers?

·      First Read the Friends of Water Water Shaker Village website: www.whitewatervillage.org

·      Pre-register for one or more sessions with the project manager.

·      Workplace attire, workplace safety, needed tools or supplies, volunteer waiver and safety guidelines will be available upon registration.

Who should consider volunteering for this project?

·      Friends of the White Water Shaker Village.

·      Retirees.

·      Families desiring a creative outing/adventure. Minimum age of 16.

·      Small businesses and organizations in need of a team building experience.

·      Church or community small groups.

·      Alumni from “Down Memory Lane” with Mike. www.tenballoons.com/mikenygren

·      Fraternity and sorority leadership teams.

Contact: mike@tenballoons.com

Contact mike@tenballoons.com