#2 Financial Balloon
My 2024 Financial Mission Statement
Live life to the fullest. Do as much as we can with our limited resources.
Some of my Financial Mission Statements over the decades.
· Stop living pay check to pay check.
· Freely give away our time, talents, money and resources.
· Think beyond saving and giving 10%.
· (About parental financial support:) Sherri’s history:100%. Mike’s history: 0%. Our children: 50%
· (About our grandchildren:) “Don’t expect an inheritance! You will experience your inheritance through travel with us.”
Twenty years ago the ‘first of the year’ led Sherri and I to take a drive to a nearby lake - an hour drive from our current home. Knowing that ‘financially’ a “Lake House” was probably not the smartest financial idea I suggested we just go drive up and down streets “just checking out the possibilities.”
Less than 30 minutes into the journey – there it was - a fixer-upper less than 200 yards from the “largest manmade lake in Ohio.” We called the realtor that evening - making an offer was easy as this would not be our first fixer-upper!
In reviewing the Ten Balloons it seemed natural that a Lake House would fall into the categories of “financial and hobbies.”
What we didn’t’ realize at that time was the long-term impact it would have on our lives.
· Family Balloon. Our children and their spouses immediately jumped in to begin in the demolition and construction phases. Growing up in “old homes” Adam and Andrea brought experience, patience and vision to the restoration of this 1930’s home
· Grandchildren Balloon. In time… our three children would have a safe haven filled with countless adventures. Sleep-overs, golf cart adventures and a sailboat parked a few blocks away.
· Primary Relationship Balloon. Setting up a mattress on the floor was the first step in the journey of us living out this dream. Each new project provided new challenges and opportunities to spend time together.
· Career Balloon. Eventually it became a leadership training center for the Joshua Team and many organizations. Over “300 friends” shared meals and time with us over the next decade in some type of leadership training and team building experiences.
· Mental Balloon. The Lake House provided 90 days of summer fun, 45 weekends of adventure and an escape from the ‘real world.’ A back porch swing and a treehouse like family room explains it all!
· Physical Balloon. Having a second property allowed continual projects, physical labor and property upkeep.
· Financial Balloon. We didn’t get rich - but we paid the bills!
· Friend Balloon. A great place for picnics, sailing and holiday celebrations.
· Hobby Balloon. Seems like our life has always been a series of hobbies!