Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


The Role of the Mentor

Thoughts about Mentoring.

·      Mentoring seeks to increase morale, and offer maturity in life and leadership.

·      Mentoring  ensures the passing of values, traditions and ethics from one generation to the next.

·      Mentoring, historically, has been the key element in carrying on our core values.

·      Today in our culture, shifting of priorities has weakened our connection to the wisdom and understanding from past generations.

The Objectives of Mentoring

·      Mentoring gives energy and the will to reach heights we never imagined.

·      Mentors bring more energy into the world, dream greater goals, encourage confidence and initiate the will to succeed.

·      Mentoring challenges individuals to maintain the highest possible level of integrity, giving and excellence through building trust with others and forming a network of accountability with them.

·      Mentoring seeks to unlock the leadership potential of the mentor and mentee by believing and acting on the greatness in others.

Role of the mentor

·      By developing a personal relationship with the mentee, the mentor supports, encourages, teaches, equips, challenges and advises as it relates to personal and leadership maturity.

Benefits for the mentor

·      Through mentoring, the mentor has an opportunity to give back to others. Mentors become a part of something larger than themselves - they gain personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment by making a significant contribution in the world.

·      Mentoring keeps mentors sharp - encourages creativity and allows them to set a continual example in action as well as in words.

·      Mentoring encourages opportunities for introspection and reassessment - it gives an opportunity to carry on a legacy.

Qualities exhibited by a mentor.

·      Commitment to something greater than themselves.

·      Success in living a balanced life.

·      Success in leadership.

·      The ability to recognize and unlock potential in others.

·      Willingness to help set goals and follow through with others.

·      The desire and ability to instill confidence in others.

·      The ability to listen, teach, coach and advise.

·      The ability to be there when needed, and to be absent when not needed.

·      The ability to be honest.

·      The ability to  “select with care” their mentee.

Expectations of a mentor

·      An agreed on commitment of time.

·      Develop a proactive relationship.

·      Provide opportunities and avenues for growth and success.

·      Committed to written plans of action

·      Follow through and a two-sided evaluation.

·      Be a sounding board, not a problem solver.

·      Create a life-long vision for learning.

·      Help build dreams.

·      Share past and present experiences with mentee.

·      Focus on independence, not dependency.

·      Develop a stepping stone approach.

Contact mike@tenballoons.com