Should consider this incredible, unique three-week adventure!
Parents who want to raise Interesting and interested children.
Employers who want to be great in the eyes of their employees.
Grandparents who need a new vision for themselves - and their relationship with their children and grandchildren.
Teachers, coaches and pastors who need hundreds of fresh ideas to care for their followers.
Dreamers and goal setters who need gasoline thrown on their ideas instead of water.
Anyone needing a designated season to be challenged to be their best self.
Those who have traveled with me and need a refresher course - because it’s a new season in life.
Those wanting to give their spouse a gift by becoming a better spouse.
Those feeling there must be more to life than politics and Covid conversations.
Those who need to be recharged in their faith.
Most importantly - dreamers who want to attempt more, accomplish more, and be more.
Initiators who want to invite a friend (non family member) to join them in this journey.
Those needing a refresher course on the soft skills of leadership.
Any of the above describe your current need?
Why did I decide to create this initiative?
Once upon a time I wondered what growing old would be like. I love it.
I love reconnecting with those I have coached, mentored and discipled over the years.
I love reminiscing about the adventures shared with so many. I love remembering the crazy risks taken - the lives touched and the zillions of miles traveled along the way.
Today I am blessed and thankful for the energy, passion and ability to continue to Dream Big.
As part of this ongoing project of Dreaming Big, I am launching a unique coaching/mentoring/discipling opportunity. This is a short-term, high-impact opportunity designed for17 year-old students all the way to my peers and older!
I am in search of those seeking to work towards a renewed and greater purpose in our changing world.
It is a unique opportunity void of Covid and political conversations, and free from religious arguments and cultural divisions.
It’s about creating deeper friendships and dreaming bigger dreams. It is for those who want to build healthier teams and families. This is about having more fun in life, while also clarifying goals and focus.
Jesus sought out 12. I am seeking 10-12 who want to go deeper. If you are restless in your daily life and want to to respond proactively to our new and constantly changing world, this opportunity is for you.
As I embark on this Mentoring initiative I am motivated by what others have taught me over the years…
It’s not the number of years in life that is important. It’s the life in your years.
It’s possible to get old and have nothing to show for the aging.
Getting older gives the opportunity to tell people what they mean to you.
The longer you live, the more you get to help unlock the greatness in people.
You grow old when you desert who you are.
Teach others all the great things others have taught you.
I am not yet dead!
A Pretend Interview
Answering questions that people sometimes never ask!
Are you too old to mentor?
· Heck no. Moses, approached the burning bush when he was 80 years old and followed that calling.
· The Prophet Arron was about the same age and died when he was 123.
· Joshua, was somewhere between 60 -78 when he took over for Moses.
Do you think mentoring works in today’s culture?
At age 75 I continue to see that one-to-one mentoring is rare. I look back over my life and understand more than ever, that yes mentoring works – it’s about investing and caring about others.
Have you considered retirement?
What if there is just “one more person” that needs the benefits of a being mentored?
Why are you confident there is a need?
I do believe people are searching. The pandemic has had a great effect on people’s thinking, confidence, mission and vision.
People need to be connected, refreshed and challenged by like-minded people.
Unfortunately “mentoring” is “a lost value” - that needs to be resurrected.
Shouldn’t this cost more than $75.00?
Of course. But it is my “gift to others.” Mentoring is to important for people to believe that they cannot afford it. It is also inexpensive so people can ‘sponsor someone else.” Why $75.oo? Matches my age and easy to remember.
Why do you not want family members to do this together?
I am not qualified in “family counseling” - is the number one reason.
Number two is that this group is designed for maximum interaction on a “level playing field.” Having a spouse or child in the same setting often limits honesty.
What are the most important qualities needed for one to be successful in this adventure?
It is all about building on your dreams, your strengths and your desire to live a balanced life.
It’s not about dealing with past mistakes, failures or disappointments.
It’s not about making excuses and placing blame on others.
It’s about creating a new season in your life. Less busy, happier and more fulfilled.
Part of the mentoring process is to be reminded of those who have influenced your thinking.
“Influencers change the direction of our thinking.”
Here are some of the many who have influenced me over the years.
“A life without prejudice.”
Mrs. Reed was the school secretary at my first teaching assignment. She was part of the black community where white students were bused into school each day. She became a guiding force in my life without knowing it. She accepted me and wanted the best for me as she taught me to want the best for all students.
“A life with character.”
I met Aunt Lena as a member of a faith congregation of 50 members when I was 26. She was the unofficial “Matriarch” of the church. Even if she was not really someone’s blood relation, she became everyone’s “Aunt Lena.” From her, I learned what real faith in God looked like. She rarely talked about it, but lived it. She lived simply, loved generously, and loved life every day.
“High expectations work.”
Big Ed was a high school principal and my boss for seven years. I watched as students, parents, and faculty sometimes disagreed with him. He knew he could not please everyone, but moved forward with great passion and high expectations for those he encountered every day. He trusted his staff, expected their best, and often said to his staff, “I will defend you every day… until you give me a reason not to.”
“Dream Big. Get it done.”
Mike was my boss for 17 years. I watched as he dreamt crazy dreams, but noticed that he surrounded himself with people that could make those dreams reality. He trusted people to make things happen, regardless of how big the dream was. At the same time, he would not settle for mediocre work, but he expected excellence.
“Real people.”
I have had several encounters with Leonard, enough for him to have an influence on my life. He made the Bible something I could communicate to students as he unfolded stories like no one ever had done before with me. He made the average person in the scriptures relatable, and, in turn, I learned to study the way he studied.
“Greatness in young people.”
The occasional teachings and conversations I had with Tony stirred, annoyed, and aggravated my thinking! He showed me how to make students and leaders uncomfortable with their prejudices and life styles. I credit him for instilling a desire in me to do things the world thought was impossible for junior high and high school students. He influenced my desire to teach others to change the world for good.
“You can get anything in life…”
I never knew him personally, but Zig Zig;ar’s books, leadership conferences, and his vision for goal setting redirected my life. It began with a three-hour conference and my purpose was defined. “You can get anything out of life if you just help enough people get what they want out of life.” I continue to work out that strategy on a daily basis - even at age 75.