Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


 Frequently Asked Questions

What are the overall objectives to “Live Your Best Life?”

Live Your Best Life came about because I still have such a passion to work with people who want to change the world. So much of our culture is negative and focuses on what is not possible, I hope that I can help to unlock the best in people and organizations. I love to work with people who are trying to be the best version of themselves in these changing times. In many ways, this is my calling and I have returned to it in various ways throughout my life as a coach, mentor, teacher, pastor, dad, husband, and friend.

Didn’t you retire?

The season of the pandemic has helped me realized that my place in the world is still in coaching and mentoring. Full-time retirement will come in time - but it is not now.

What was the response to the Spring 2022 Live Your Best Life sessions you offered?

Eleven students helped pioneer this mentoring and coaching initiative. They helped initiate the Joshua 2.0 and the College Edition as they helped me recommit and recreate the idea of personal leadership and business coaching.

Why are the “Live Your Best Life” group meetings a prerequisite for the individual coaching opportunity?

Once there is a common bond and connection through studying the Ten Balloons (ten areas of your life to reflect and focus on) anything is possible! Working with similar core values helps expand the dreaming and possibilities!

What was the motivation in creating the College Edition of Live Your Best Life?

First and foremost - I never understood my own potential as a high school and college student. I had countless ideas and dreams about the future but never realized what I was capable of doing. Since my earliest teaching and coaching days I committed to ‘teaching all those things that I wished I had known as a teen.’ The College Edition is designed to help students soar with their future dreams. The 5-hour investment of time could be the ‘best ever’ 5 hours ever spent on reflection and direction in life.

What was the motivation in creating Joshua 2.0 as a Live Your Best Life option?

I have invested most of my life in teaching and coaching teens and the adults who lead them in leadership, team building, and service. I believe there is an urgent need for churches to make youth ministry a higher priority and to provide adequate support and training to those working with young people.

Do I have to be religious to take part in this?

Joshua 2.0 is designed for people working with youth in faith-based organizations, so it has a strong faith component. Group and individual coaching can have a faith component, depending on the participants, but people of any religion or no religion will feel very comfortable in these settings.

Is coaching a good place where I can figure out all the problems in my life?

Coaching is a great context to assess your goals, motivations, hopes, and dreams. It is not a very good place to work out trauma, pain, or shame. Coaching can help you take a good look at where things are at and help sketch a path forward. For deeper healing and processing, Mike can refer you to a pastor or therapist.

Do you have references?

Glad you asked! Head on over to the “what people are saying” page to read more.

Want to know more about Mike and Sherri? Mike and Sherri were featured in the local newspaper in January 2022.

Contact mike@tenballoons.com