“The ultimate measure of a leader is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy. A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others see.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Joshua 2.0
Building on the success of the first Joshua Team that trained over fifty youth leaders, Joshua 2.0 is designed for volunteer and paid youth leaders (both lay and ordained.) The curriculum is focused on “dreaming big” and creating a mission and purpose relevant within today’s teen culture. The key objectives are designed around equipping and empowering leaders to broaden the depth and scope of their current ministry.
This small group coaching opportunity is focused on “seeing more, seeing farther and seeing before” as it relates to youth ministry within your church or non-profit organization.
This is a two-day coaching opportunity that promises to address the most pressing obstacles facing the future of youth ministry in today’s church.
What are the projected outcomes from this coaching opportunity?
· Time spent learning and growing with like-minded proactive leaders
· Clarity in creating your short- and long-term vision
· Strategy development that can help you and your team live into your vision
· The knowledge and insight to creatively respond to the reality of today’s teen culture
· Taking your leadership and discipleship skills to the next level
. Creative conversations centered on rethinking youth ministry in light in this post-pandemic time.
· Relevant ideas for engaging 7th-12th grade students
· A stronger focus on building an adult leadership team
What is the strategy of the coaching experience?
· Two full days of teaching, consulting and coaching
· 6-12 paid or volunteer youth leaders
· Sessions at the home of Mike and Sherri. Tipp City. Ohio
· Friday. June 10th, 2022 and Saturday, June 11th, 2022 9:00 am - 5:00
· Registration: $200.00. Discounts available for two or more from same organization
· Registration deadline. June 4th.
. Journal, snacks, breakfast and lunch provided.
. Dayton International Airport is 7 miles away.
. Overnight lodging available in many hotels within 7 miles.
Joshua Blogs. Thoughts and strategies for youth leaders.
“Youth leaders are unique. Fascinated by the future. Restless for change. Impatient for progress and deeply concerned by the status quo. The friction between ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’ burns within them. They believe in the great potential of youth!“
“Life is long. You don’t need to live the same version of your life forever.”