Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


Dayton, Ohio. August 20, 2019.  We were once good at being "churchgoers" or maybe even "church learners" in America. The decline of the church in America grows each day and church leaders and parents need to be concerned about where young people fit into the church of the future.

In their new book, Aha Moments, Mike Nygren and Shani McMichael take readers on a refreshing journey into the outcomes of being passionate and determined about discipleship. Through their recounting of discipleship stories and their impactful nature, the reader can only ask “Why is the church not successfully  discipling our adults and young people?”  “Often we attempt to create the church and rarely get disciples, when we foster discipleship we get the church.“ says Nygren. “This is not a ‘how-to book’ but instead more of a ‘why-to disciple’ says Shani. “Our intent is to encourage readers to turn their ‘learning’ about discipleship into ‘doing’ discipleship - following the practical concepts that Jesus taught and modeled to his first disciples.”

Aha Moments, follows a biblical pattern, however; the aim is not for this to be seen as another ‘religious book’, says Mike. Instead, it offers a fresh perspective on how discipleship can be achieved in today’s culture. This book addresses hard and controversial topics like ageism, classism, and racism as it relates to the anticipated uphill journey of discipling youth and adults. The hope is to paint a realistic, heart-felt, yet painstaking truth of why discipleship is needed, and ultimately, why it works! There is a story in this book for everyone; a confused and lost teen angry at the conditions of this world. A single parent who has lost all faith. A pastor, youth minister, or church leader who is struggling with  creating a sustainable ministry. This book is about hope. Stories of real people, with real stories on a journey together in discipleship.

Shani, at age 15 unexpectedly encountered Mike; she had no idea how quickly her life would change. In just one year, her entire construct of 'church' and being a 'Christian' was challenged, her understanding of ministry was renewed, and her faith in Jesus was realized through discipleship. Shani is currently a graduate student, serving as a Zankel Fellow, at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City.

Mike has been coaching, mentoring and discipling young people and adults for over 50 years. Mike has been a motivational speaker, workshop leader and consultant, and is best known for growing a discipleship based student ministry from 30 to over 300. He has created non-profits that empower young people to dream and lead within their communities.


Contact mike@tenballoons.com