Woody The Carousel Horse
A childhood inspiration was gained at Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. It sowed the seeds of motivation for the creation of Woody the Carousel Horse. “Awe inspired” by carousels through the decades, Mike’s appreciation for the creativity and mastery of the Art of Woodcarving led him to a year-long journey in the creation of this three-quarter scale, Ohio State themed, basswood wood sculpture.
Sherri and I are looking for an organization that caters to children and would benefit by Woody being donated to complement their current mission.
Reason #2. Woody needs a home.
In the 18th century, carousels began to appear in Europe as part of fairs that traveled from town to town. At the time, adults went to fairs, not children. For a few dazzling, spinning minutes, riders could experience life on horseback — then exclusively the pastime of nobles and soldiers.
The Germans carved more elaborate, life-like horses. French carousel horses are said to be listening because their ears point up. German horses’ ears are directed forward. English carousels have always traveled in the opposite direction. German tails were made of real hair, unlike French and English horses, which have wooden tails.
In the 20th century, children begin to join their parents on carousels and child-size animals joined those sized for adults. Times and tastes keep changing. American carousels stayed put in theme parks.
In the 21st century Woody was created. In an effort to celebrate the fun and loyalty of Ohio State fanatics - the Buckeye theme captures the hearts and imaginations of generations. “One old man sharing his passions through the art of woodcarving.”
Reason #3. Woody Needs a Home
There is a wide range of wooded carousel horses for sale today online - those produced as long ago as the 18th Century to those made as recently as the 21st Century. Carousel horses are often made by Folk Art designers (Mike Nygren) as well as professional Carousel Production companies.
“Folk art is art created by people who are not classically trained for either utilitarian or decorative purposes - it refers to work that is reflective of a community’s culture and usually handmade by craftspeople working within a popular tradition.”
Woody celebrates the passion of a community (Buckeye Nation) telling the 21st century story of college sports and the love of “taking selfies” while celebrating the time honored traditions of carousels with children and adults.
It was only natural (and not just coincidental) to name “Woody – Woody” based on the hundreds of hours of basswood sculpturing and carving involved - as well as the hand painting coaching of Rusty Harden, (Nationally recognized visual artist and Tipp City resident.)
Prices can differ depending upon size, time period and other attributes. Carousel horses begin at $850 and can go as high as $35,000.
Imagine the uniqueness of someone donating Woody to a non-profit to enhance their mission. Please spread the word – Woody needs a home where he can be loved, appreciated and celebrated!
Reason # 4. The Heart Attack
I believe that my heart attack of 2023 was a heart-warming reminder of my deciding to live life to the fullest. It became a heart-starting opportunity to look at my life with a fresh set of eyes. I told myself that instead of seeing how far I had to go, I would look back and see how far I had come. I realized it wasn’t the end of my story, but instead the beginning of a new chapter… And so where would Woody fit into my story?
I determined that Woody was the only ‘unfinished business’ I could think of in my long list of personal goals, dreams, relationships, travels, adventures and accomplishments over the decades.
Where would Woody live? Would he become my gravestone? Or possibly just a legend to be remembered? What might lie ahead for this mythical creation? And then I realized my story wasn’t over yet. Maybe … just maybe!
I became hopeful of fulfilling my childhood fascination with carousels - combined with my passion for sharing art. And so the hope became that there is dream yet to be dreamt – a mission yet to be accomplished - and most importantly an adventure to be fulfilled by Woody. A place in the heart of children of all ages – for all ages to come.