Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


 The Role of the Mentee

  • The mentee enters the relationship willing to be taught, coached and advised in specific areas of their lives.

  • Mentees seek out wisdom, ideas for improving confidence, risk-taking and life skills from their mentors.

  • Mentors make a commitment to self-improvement.

Benefits for the Mentee.

·      Through mentoring, the mentees receive a gift of another’s time, wisdom and knowledge.

Qualities of a Mentee

·      A hunger for life and leadership maturity..

·      The ability to honor the commitment to the mentor.

·      Teachable.

·      Willing to set goals and follow through.

·      Self-disciplined.

·      The ability to understand and respect the role of the mentor.

·      The ability to have a vision for the future.

·      The ability to “select with care” their mentor.

Expectations of a Mentee

·      An agreed on time commitment.

·      Develop a proactive relationship.

·      Commit to written plans of action, follow through and a two-sided evaluation.

·      Believe in the mentor as a sounding board, not a problem solver.

·      Create a vision for the importance of life long mentor.

·      Expect to receive based on what they have invested.

·      Willing to accept new ideas and criticism.

·      Focus on independence, not dependency.

·      Develop a stepping stone approach.

Contact mike@tenballoons.com