(Needs to be recreated)
Live Your Best Life
What is expected.
__ Read the entire website.
__ Email Mike to reserve a space. Registration is limited to 12.
__ Consider inviting a friend (non-family member) to join you in this journey.
__ Attend all sessions. Be on time. Depart on time.
What will be included in the sessions?
__ “Write it down. Everyone speaks. Everyone listens.”
__ “One minute responses. The Art of Conversation. Elevator Pitches.”
__ “Brainstorming. Goal setting. Dreaming Big.”
Will there be homework?
__ 5-10 minutes assignments a few days a week.
__ You will receive a Live Your Best Life journal for note taking and recording daily and weekly successes.
How much does this cost?
__ $79.00 Summer special!
__ Payable by check at the first session.