Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


My Most Requested Topics

I speak on topics related to leadership, character, discipleship and personal maturity  for youth and adult audiences. I will customize my presentation to meet your school, church, business or non-profit specific needs. My goal is help facilitate an outcome that you want to create.

Below are my most requested topics over the years. I present these as key note addresses or in a workshop setting. In addition we can together create half-day, and in many cases full-day versions of these topics and oftentimes combining them.


Get A Life is based on The Ten Balloons: Principles of Leadership, Life and Lovecaptures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This simplified approach to living a balanced life is practical and personal in outlining steps for creating new visions in 10 areas of life. The presentation provides great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, friends, primary relationship, hobbies and adventure. The curriculum is multi-generational and ideal for businesses, schools and faith-based organizations.


 Job Readiness is a real life workshop to help students prepare for graduation and identifying long term careers and pathways. The fast-paced interactive sessions help students articulate themselves appropriately as they seek employment or admission to post-secondary higher education, vocational institution, or military services. The innovative curriculum helps unlock student leadership skills, improve communication skills, dealing with financial responsibility, and promote volunteerism and service learning. Ideal for 8th grade through high school seniors.


Disciple is an interactive workshop designed for adults to empower and engage disciples in a new level of biblical understanding. This reproducible workshop gives new confidence in teaching the scriptures and defining the roles, expectations and outcomes of discipleship. Explore what happens when discipleship is defined as “traveling together.” Practical and immediate application ideas unfold through our time together.


Intentional Leadership is a workshop for student and adult leaders who want to either start on the path to leadership or enhance their current skill level. Focused on the soft skills of leadership, participants experience a fast-paced, highly motivating and inspiring presentation to add confidence, passion and knowledge to their role as a leader. Enhancing communication skills is at the heart of the presentation and helping introverts and extroverts see increase their effectiveness. Youth and adult audiences welcome.



From Here to Maturity is a fast paced high energy presentation about the word maturity and what happens when we stop making excuses and start making changes with our lives. Students are challenged with a wide range of practical ideas that can lead to immediate daily application while headed on the road to independence and maturity. Issues of time management, prioritizing school assignments and organizing project highlight the presentation designed for 5th-12th grade audiences.




Grand parenting with a Purpose challenges and equips grandparents for the changing role of grandparents in the 21st century. Bringing ancient biblical wisdom to their role, grandparents are encouraged to answer the question “What’s my voice in the lives of my grandchildren?”  Whether your grandchildren live across the street or across the country, practical ideas and solutions are discussed to address some of the critical needs our grandchildren face in today’s world. Inspiring for expecting grandparents as well as great grandparents.

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Contact mike@tenballoons.com