Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


What if we could be challenged in the way we think? The way we think about leadership and the need to encourage and mature leaders within our country? What if we became intentional at all age levels in emphasizing the soft skills of leadership - to be better communicators, to have a voice, and to be willing to build on our strengths while impacting the world around us?

Intentional Leadership is a workshop for student and adult leaders who want to either start on the path to leadership or enhance their current skill level. Focused on the soft skills of leadership, participants experience a fast-paced, highly motivating and inspiring presentation to add confidence, passion and knowledge to their role as a leader. Enhancing communication skills is at the heart of the presentation and helping introverts and extroverts see increase their effectiveness. Youth and adult audiences welcome.

"Mike spent several years coaching high school students at our school in a student ambassador program.  He has a passion for working with youth and pushing them to unleash their leadership potential.  Communication and conversation skills are an asset in any leadership role.  Mike uses a coaching approach to engage students and teach communication fundamentals through the art of storytelling.  Within a few hours, students who were once shy, are speaking confidently in front of a crowd of their peers.  It is brilliant!  These powerful skills can be transforming for students!  Mike brings these talents and many more to middle and high school programs."
Lisa-Marie Reinhart; Career Readiness Coordinator
Delaware Area Career Center, Delaware, Ohio
Contact Mike to discuss your current and future needs at mike@tenballoons.com or give him a call at 937-776-7362 to begin shaping a unique presentation for your organization.

Contact mike@tenballoons.com