Mike Nygren

Past. Present. Future.

Mike Nygren: Author

The Ten Balloons. Principles of Leadership, Life and Love captures the spirit of what it means to take an intentional look at your life. This realistic approach to a balanced life is personal and practical in outlining steps for creating intentional purpose statements in ten areas of your life.

Mike’s story telling approach to life brings great inspiration and motivation in the areas of family, career, relationships, education, finances, health, and adventure. This multi-generational topic is designed for young people and adult audiences of all ages who like personal challenges.


 Mental  Balloon

 2024 Mental Balloon Mission Statement

Teaching, coaching and emphasizing the urgency and importance of the Mental Balloon.

Some of my past Mental Mission Statements from over the decades.

·       Read the Newspaper every day.

·       Determine who I allow to influence my daily thinking.

·       Be willing to separate myself politely from negative input.

·       Wake-up a half hour early to accomplish that “One new dream.”

·       We all have 176 hours in a week – don’t squander them.

·       Our bodies functions better if we wake up at the same time every day.

·       Take ownership for my lack of planning – don’t make excuses.

·       Pity parties are okay - know when to end them!

·       Invest in yourself “Mental Balloon” first. It impacts the others.

·       Begin every week with specific written action steps, objectives and goals in all of the Ten Balloons.

·       Spend 5-6 hours a week with positive input and effective planning.


3 Mental Balloon Life Changing Turning Points

My journey of understanding the importance of a “Mental Balloon” began my Senior Year in high when my English teacher took me aside to tell me that he saw a great need in my life. Read the newspaper every day. Read every headline and the caption under every picture. I promise you that you will eventually want to read more and more of the positive stories each day. I believe your academic potential will increase greatly and you will understand the world from a perspective different than your peers.”

His words could have not been more accurate. I began the daily reading of the Louisville Courier Journal while in college and have since read the newspaper daily and rarely miss a day! I attribute this one challenge to helping me become “Interesting and Interesting” throughout my life. The influence on the other 9 balloons became a constant in my life.

My Mental Balloon thinking expanded at age 26. I began the process of writing my own “Ten Balloons” and setting daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals. Within the first year of learning these practices I became an avid reader of both secular and faith-based books. I learned to glean leadership and life practices and disciplines that became the curriculum of 95% of the trainings I led over the decades with young people and adults.

“Someone” once advised me to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual if I had a dream I wanted to accomplish. I listened. I soon added another 30 minutes to my personal wake-up call. 50 years later I continue to use this time to invest in myself. Committing this time alone each day has led to living a fulfilled life that the Ten Balloons offers. I have realized that the more time I invest in my own thinking, planning, journaling each day - the less excuses I offer myself and the world - and the best version of continues to evolve.

Sharing the Mental Balloon

Because of the countless opportunities I have had over the decades of day-long, extended days and week-long leadership trainings and service oriented initiative I have had the opportunity to create consistent models of a “mental mindset” for those involved. The health of our Mental Balloon has an amazing ripple effect on our sphere of influence.

 ·       Youth Ministry Vision. The core vision of leadership, missions and discipleship thinking.

·       Mission/Work trips. The consistent mindset of: Work Hard. Sleep Hard. Study Hard and Play Hard.

·       Idea Factory Teen Leaders. The core values of: Teachable. Coachable. Passionate.

·       DNA: Respect. Responsibility. Daily disciplines = Success in life.

Contact mike@tenballoons.com